Word from the Pastor

I would like to take the time to pause and reflect on all of the many good things taking place at our parish in recent months. Parishioners may not be aware of the fact that most of our parish groups/societies are swelling in numbers. We have welcomed many new faces to our various parish groups that meet regularly on our campuses.

This is a great sign of growth in our parish, especially as we welcome a new generation of Catholics who want to help our parish accomplish the evangelizing mission of the Church. The reason I want to point out this reality that our parish groups are experiencing rapid growth is that there are so many opportunities now for parishioners to get involved in the life of the parish, if they are looking to do so. I also want to be sure that no one feels left behind, and that all feel included in these new efforts to build up our parish community. Our new parish pastoral council has been taking many steps to make sure that our parish is always pursuing the Church’s mission of evangelization by holding every parish group/society up to that sacred standard set by Christ himself. Our pastoral council members have been working diligently to revive past parish opportunities to get involved in parish life as well as by coaching the various coordinators of our ministries to be open, inclusive, and welcoming to any parishioner who is looking to join a parish group/society for the first time. If you ever feel disconnected from the life of the parish, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly by calling the parish office to set up an appointment with me.

I love hearing from parishioners directly, and highly encourage anyone in the pews to reach out if you like to share something with me that has been on your heart. If you take the time to meet with me personally, I can then help you discern where God might be leading you and how you can best plug into the life of the parish. I love doing this kind of work with our lay faithful to make sure that everyone has a place at the table and all feel they are exercising their gifts to the fullest for the building up of the Kingdom of God in South Utica. Again, all you have to do is reach out the parish office and request an appointment with me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Servant in Christ,
Fr. Jason C. Hage

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Mary, Mother of Our Savior, pray for us!